Urrús Keyworking, Care Planning and Case Management programme will start in September 2021. The programme is offered in response to the emerging skills, knowledge and practice needs of new and existing keyworkers in the drug and alcohol, homeless and broader social care sector. This programme will give learners the opportunity to understand the systems of key working, care planning and case management within the National Drug Rehabilitation Framework. This Level 6 programme is a 12 week programme (September-December 2021), it is delivered one-day each week on Thursday (10am-5pm). Delivery of the programme is underpinned by the principles of adult education and community development.
- Key Working – systems and processes
- Care Planning – policy and practice
- Case Management – framework and communications
- Professional Boundaries – understanding and techniques
- Confidentiality and Case Notes – guidelines and application
- Reflective and Professional Practice – theories and practice
Awarding Body
Urrús is registered with Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). On successful completion of the programme learners will receive two level 6 component certificates: – Person Centred Planning (6N2206) & Boundary Management (6N2207). Urrús Keyworking, Care Planning and Case Management programme is accredited as QQI Award (Minor) Level 6 – Further Education and Training. NFQ level 6 credit value = 30 credits.
Persons who are new or existing keyworkers, support workers and other practitioners in the drug and alcohol field and in the broader social care field. Applicants must have at least one level 5 module in addiction or in a related care sector field and be available to attend the programme as described above.
Progression Route
The programme offers a progression pathway to the Level 7 Diploma in Community Drug and Alcohol Work delivered in partnership by Urrús and University College Dublin.
Closing date
Completed application forms must be received by Friday 20th August. Interviews will be held during August.
Shortlisting may apply for interview.
Course fee is €595.
Click here for the course information sheet and application requirements.
Click here for course application form.
or if you have any further queries please email – urrus@byap.ie / phone 01 8467980.