The Ballymun Youth Action Project is a community response to substance misuse. We do not see drug or alcohol use in isolation. While we work with individuals, we also work with families, and with the community. Our services are designed to respond at each of those levels. As a community response we also work constantly to develop effective interventions that meet changes within patterns of substance misuse, and that respond to new issues and challenges.
There are 7 different parts of the Project. BYAP Core is the original Project. Over time a Day Programme was developed to provide more structured activities for some of the people who were using the service. In 1996, URRÚS, the training centre was set up. Since then, BYAP has become the project manager for two other initiatives, the Aftercare Team and the Contact Project. At the end of 2012 we saw the start of another initiative, the Infant Parent Support Project. In 2014 BYAP took on the Addiction Counselling Service within the GP Practices.